Category: Domaining

Brand New Year

It’s a Brand New Year and I have a few things that I would like to focus on and learn more about in 2011.

  • Geo Location – I think this year we are going to see a lot of Geo based application. I have a few goto API’s that I use to pull this data. But this technology has a lot of room to grow. I would love to get in front of this and ride the wave of projects that are about to come in.
  • Git – I bought a book a few months ago, but I’ve been pretty business and have not found the time to crack it open. This Version Control seems to be a must have nowadays.
  • IPhone App – I’m sure I’m catching the tail end of the IPhone application gold rush, but I would love to learn how to build a app, regarding how simple it may be.
  • Domaining – I want to sale a domain for over $500.00 this year.
  • Funding – I follow Techcruch pretty closely and there appears to be a lot of  funding going on. I would love to find out how this process works.
  • California –  This is a long shot but I would not mind moving to the west coast. It seems like a lot of what I’m into is happening over there.

Well that’s the list. It will be interesting to see if I’m able to cross any of these off next year.

Domain Portfolio Cleaning House

Today is actually the start day of my New Year and I’ve decided to start if off by reorganizing my domain portfolio. This includes dumping nonperforming domains and adding new potentials. This year I’m attempting to focus on building and monetizing niche websites for some of the maybes domains I’ve been holding onto for some reason. The overall goal is to create a much leaner and valuable domain portfolio. I’ve been purchasing domain names for a couple of years now and at times without rhyme or reason (I.E and on a monthly average I spend between $50-$100 dollars on renewals. I’ve monetized some but I can do better. Looking over my 2009 books/spreadsheet I realized I truly do not have a great account practice in place, so I can’t really tell you how much I made or loss. So this year I’ve decided to make this one of my top priorities in 2010.

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