Author: Joseph

How to create Time Ago with PHP

New screencast!
If you subscribe to any social media nowadays then you have probably seen the little timestamp displayed after you or a user has posted content.
On Twitter it maybe display in a light grey text and look similar to 15s or 4m. But basically it’s a indication on how long ago the content was made available.
Well in my newest video tutorial I demonstrate how to create this Time Ago function using PHP.
You won’t believe how easy it is to pull off.
This video is titled “Display Time Ago like what you see on Twitter with PHP” on YouTube, I hope you enjoy.


How to Resubmit a XML Sitemap to Google and Bing with PHP

New screencast!
So here’s the thing. Most of us who has worked in this crazy tech field are aware of Google Webmaster tool and XML Sitemaps.
And at some point of time have either created, published or submitted one.
But what I’ve noticed from experience is that after creating and submitting a XML Sitemap to Webmaster tools we either take one of the two options when it comes to resubmitting this file.

  1. Wait for the search engine to rediscover, crawl and index our new content
  2. Log into our Webmaster tool accounts and manually resubmit each sitemap.

So I created a video that will demonstrate how to resubmit a XML Sitemap to both Google and Bing with a little bit of PHP.

This video is titled “XML Sitemap: How to Resubmit to Google and Bing” on YouTube.


PHP Sniper, Check the status of Sold Out Product with PHP

New screencast!
So I created a new screencast, a PHP tutorial if you will showing how to use PHP to check the status of sold out products on BestBuy.
I noticed during Black Friday and Cyber Monday there were a few items that appears to be always sold out. So I wrote some code to solve for that.

So if perhaps this code just helps one person grab that hard to purchase item, then I have done my job. 🙂

Thanks america!

Oh by the way the video is titled “Check the status of Sold Out Product with PHP” on YouTube.

How to get a Website Favicon with PHP

New screencast!
Hi all, soooo my new video is not directly related to SEO but I guess it could kind of be if we’re talking about building content.
It’s titled “Get a Website Favicon with Google API #php” I’ve added the #PHP to the end of the title to influence Social Media.

In the video I’m demonstrating how to grab the Favicon from a website using PHP and cUrl.

The Google API I’m using is actually a API I discovered years ago, but surprisingly it still works.

GEO Location data via PHP and IPinfo API

New screencast!
Hi all, so my new video is about getting GEO Location data via the Ipinfo API.
The current title on YouTube is “How to get GEO Location data from IP using PHP and Ipinfo API #php”
This was a pretty simple and straight forward process and of course we used cUrl to get the job done.

But one of the points that I was trying to make is that this data can be used to created highly focus content.

And that sometimes it’s not all about the data that in front of you but more about what the data in front of you can be combined with. Hope that makes sense.

Anyhow thanks!

How to get header response codes using PHP

New screencast!
Okay so I’m happy. This is my 3rd video since my so call comeback.
The video is titled “Get Header Response Code data using PHP” but again I may change out the title within a week to two.
In the screencast we are using the curl_getinfo function in PHP to get the server transfer data. And then carefully (yep I said carefully 🙂 ) parsing through the results to grab the Response code.


How to get a websites Title and Meta data using PHP

New screencast available!
I don’t have a set schedule as of yet so I’ve been creating/posting video’s every day.
My latest is titled “Get a websites Title and Meta data using PHP”.
In this video I go over the steps needed to grab a websites Title tag and Meta data using PHP.

PHP has a get_meta_tags functions which makes this task pretty easy. The hard part with this process is grabbing the sites title tag. We went with the preg_match function in order to achieved this.

Using a XML sitemap and PHP to get urls from a competitors website

Sooooo I recently discovered Screencast-O-Matic and now I’m getting back to making YouTube video.

Yep, it’s just that simple. I was previously using Camtasia trial version but could never bring my self around to paying the $199.00.

Screencast-O-Matic is free to use but with limitations (i.e. watermarks, 15 min videos..etc). But the pro version is only $15.00 a year.. geez, can’t beat that.

So my come back video is on SEO and PHP and is currently titled “Get urls from a competitors website using the XML sitemap and PHP.” I mention currently because Im playing around with different version of the title so it may change.

My Youtube channel is listed under name Joseph Tinsley

Thanks! 🙂

Get Zodiac sign with PHP

I know this is strange but believe it or not for a project that I’ve been working I needed to get the zodiac sign from a given date. Besides part of not being sure if I could use comparisons within a switch statement I was able to bang this class out pretty quickly.

I assumed the year wouldn’t matter much so I’m dynamically added in the year via the date functions.

I’ve posted it on my github account in case someone randomly needs to do the same.


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